Training & Consultation

The EDIB Academy was created to increase cultural competency among Harvard employees and foster a community of engagement around inclusion and belonging. These live virtual workshops emphasize foundational EDIB concepts with an emphasis on reflection and understanding.

Register via the Harvard Training Portal

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Policy Training Module 

To foster a campus culture where everyone can thrive, the Office for Community Conduct invites all community members to learn about University-wide policies on Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying. This training module will provide a policy overview, define key terms, and share support resources available. All members of the Harvard community can access the training via the Harvard Training Portal. 

We each share a responsibility in upholding the values of these policies and to prevent harassment, discrimination, and bullying at Harvard. You can read the full policies at  


Course Title: Harvard Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Policy Training Module 

Course Link: 

Course Description: To foster a campus culture where everyone can thrive, Harvard University approved university-wide Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying policies, effective September 1, 2023. We each share a responsibility in upholding the values of these policies and to prevent harassment, discrimination, and bullying at Harvard. We invite all Harvard community members to review this training module to learn how Harvard defines discrimination, harassment, and bullying and the resources available to community members for support.  

Who has access? All Harvard community members 

Course Contact: